Which one is safer for persistent online data? Gpg per file encryption vs gpg encrypted image vs LUKS2 image

3 people need to share some data through cloud. The total amount of data is small (<5gb in total). The update rate is very low, 1 per month. The cloud has very limited security measures so we consider all the files stored in it are publ… Continue reading Which one is safer for persistent online data? Gpg per file encryption vs gpg encrypted image vs LUKS2 image

gpg -c "file" > when I double click on the file, it is decrypted automatically without asking for a pwd

I used gpg -c filename … and when I double click on the file, it just decrypts it without asking for a password. I don’t know, it feels like the file wasn’t encrypted at all. What did I do wrong? Or how can I make sure the file is encryp… Continue reading gpg -c "file" > when I double click on the file, it is decrypted automatically without asking for a pwd

When I encrypt a file with gpg, am I encrypting it with a key that lives on my local machine? [closed]

I can encrypt a file with gpg in the following manner:
gpg –symmetric –cipher-algo AES256 ./test.txt
This allows me to encrypt the file with a password. Does this also use a key I have locally, or is it strictly encrypted with the passwo… Continue reading When I encrypt a file with gpg, am I encrypting it with a key that lives on my local machine? [closed]

Is it safe to store the header and password from LUKS in an encrypted GPG script (symmetrically)?

I want to mount a LUKS partition and decided to do it with a separate script which will contain the password to the LUKS partition, it will also decrypt the header file and mount the partition.
What vulnerabilities does this approach add c… Continue reading Is it safe to store the header and password from LUKS in an encrypted GPG script (symmetrically)?

How to prevent my identity being revealed in the event my YubiKey is stolen?

I’ve recently been enjoying using my YubiKey to authenticate SSH via GPG Agent, TOTPs, and encrypting emails. However, I realised if I were to attend, say, a key signing party, that since the public key URL (as well as the fingerprint) is … Continue reading How to prevent my identity being revealed in the event my YubiKey is stolen?

What are the security implications of using GPG instead of SSH keys for authentication

I want to use a GPG key instead of an SSH key. Looking online I found several guides on how to do it. But these guides are about using GPG for convenience. I instead want to know the pros and cons from the security perspective.
Firstly loo… Continue reading What are the security implications of using GPG instead of SSH keys for authentication