`pass` not asking for password anymore – gnome-keyring or gpg-agent related? How can I force password asking?

I cross-posted this on the manjaro forums and on server fault. So far no answer, so trying here.

I have gnome-keyring running for sure, not sure it’s gnome-keyring or gpg-agent or ssh-agent related…

I use pass as command line password … Continue reading `pass` not asking for password anymore – gnome-keyring or gpg-agent related? How can I force password asking?

How to verify a GPG file signature on Linux and Windows without connecting to the Internet?

Can you please hint me to the steps I need to verify a file’s signature (without connecting to the Internet) on command line using GnuPG, when I have the required files ready:
-installation file (eg the .exe file)
-the respective .asc sig… Continue reading How to verify a GPG file signature on Linux and Windows without connecting to the Internet?

How long does it take for a gpg key revoke certificate to propagate to all public key servers?

I recently created a new gpg key just for the sake of learning the basics of public key encryption. Now, I’d like to revoke that test key so that I can go on using a more “permanent” key that is associated with my personal email account. … Continue reading How long does it take for a gpg key revoke certificate to propagate to all public key servers?