Hackaday Links: May 21, 2023

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The reports of the death of automotive AM radio may have been greatly exaggerated. Regular readers will recall us harping on the issue of automakers planning to exclude AM from …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: May 21, 2023

Google adds passkey option to replace passwords on Gmail and other account services

Storing passkeys directly on devices will cut down on successful phishing, Google suggests. Is it the beginning of the end for passwords?
The post Google adds passkey option to replace passwords on Gmail and other account services appeared first on Tec… Continue reading Google adds passkey option to replace passwords on Gmail and other account services

SPF passes but in Gmail, ‘Show Original’, top section doesn’t show SPF: PASS with IP

When I send an email from my HostGator account to my Gmail account, I see in the header spf=pass…
When I paste the header in this tool -> https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/messageheader/
It shows SPF: pass with IP and… Continue reading SPF passes but in Gmail, ‘Show Original’, top section doesn’t show SPF: PASS with IP