Lawmakers demand answers in wake of strange OPM identity fraud lawsuit

With mystery swirling around an identity theft case where prosecutors have claimed the perpetrators used personal information included in the Office of Personnel Management breach, two lawmakers are pushing the government for more information. A pair of letters sent this week by Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., to the heads of the Department of Justice and OPM issues a number of questions about the alleged identity fraud charges. The Virginia lawmakers are especially interested in learning how the defendants acquired the data. On June 18, the Eastern District of Virginia announced that a Maryland woman had pleaded guilty to identity theft charges. That press release initially said the data used in that crime was from the OPM breach. On June 21, the district issued a correction to their press release, stripping any mention of the breach. Virginia is home to the single largest population of federal […]

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Rep. Connolly: National data breach notification law could be coming

A cybersecurity-focused lawmaker says Congress may have to consider national data-breach notification legislation if companies don’t do a better job of alerting people when they’ve suffered a breach. Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., said he hopes for a national standard to evolve among the private sector, but massive breaches like that at credit monitoring firm Equifax may force Congress’s hand. Congress doesn’t “want to upset the technology community with obtrusive regulation,” but the private sector has been poor in instilling confidence that it will act in the public’s best interest, he said. “I think its headed that way absent some fresh look by industry, a benchmark standard that everybody’s accepted voluntarily to meet, so that federal regulation is unnecessary,” Connolly told CyberScoop Thursday during Dell Technologies’ Digital Transformation Summit. ”I think Equifax is a great test of whether industry is capable of meeting that test.” Equifax has come under great scrutiny for […]

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