Gamma rays 10 times more energetic than thought possible detected

Astronomers have detected the highest-energy light ever seen, streaming in from near the center of the Milky Way. Hundreds of gamma ray signals were detected with ultra-high energies, with the most powerful signals crossing the Peta-electronvolt (PeV) … Continue reading Gamma rays 10 times more energetic than thought possible detected

Stars made of antimatter could be lurking in our galaxy

Antimatter is the strange, evil twin of regular matter, and it’s thought to have been mostly banished from our universe. But could it still be lurking out there in large clumps, even as stars? Astronomers have now identified a few signals that could be… Continue reading Stars made of antimatter could be lurking in our galaxy

Neutron star collision sheds new light on short gamma ray bursts

Scientists have detected a short burst of gamma rays from the collision of two neutron stars that put out more energy in a half-second than the Sun could in its 10-billion-year lifespan. Designated 200522A, the flash originated 5.47 billion light-years… Continue reading Neutron star collision sheds new light on short gamma ray bursts

Gamma ray patterns hint at galaxies with two supermassive black holes

Astronomers investigating gamma ray emissions have discovered that certain active galaxies seem to be giving off bursts in regular patterns. This, the team says, could be an indication of galaxies harboring two supermassive black holes in their centers… Continue reading Gamma ray patterns hint at galaxies with two supermassive black holes

“Cow” and “Koala” lead explosive new class of space signals

The universe is full of powerful explosions from various sources, and now astronomers have described a brand new class of space signals. Named fast blue optical transients (FBOTs), these events are very bright and throw off incredible amounts of energy… Continue reading “Cow” and “Koala” lead explosive new class of space signals