CT scan solves the mystery of 425-million-year-old long-necked reptile

Mysteries surrounding an ancient, long-necked reptile that lived 242 million years ago have been resolved after almost 170 years by an international team led by the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History. First described in 1852, Tanystropheus is so d… Continue reading CT scan solves the mystery of 425-million-year-old long-necked reptile

Dinosaur diagnosed with late-stage cancer in first-of-its-kind study

Researchers in Canada have diagnosed an advanced, malignant bone cancer – in a dinosaur. Using the kinds of diagnostic techniques used in humans, a team of cancer professionals examined a large growth on the long-dead animal’s leg bone, marking the fir… Continue reading Dinosaur diagnosed with late-stage cancer in first-of-its-kind study

Newly classified prehistoric wombat relative was as big as a bear

A new analysis of fossilized bones, unearthed 47 years ago in Australia, indicate that they’re from a previously unknown giant prehistoric relative of the wombat. It’s so different from other marsupials, however, that it’s been placed in a family all o… Continue reading Newly classified prehistoric wombat relative was as big as a bear

Laser Raptor drone performs autonomous nocturnal fossil hunts

Although many fossils are simply lying exposed on the soil’s surface, finding all of them would require a great deal of walking over varying terrain. A new autonomous hexacopter drone could help, as it uses a laser to hunt for fossils at night.Continue… Continue reading Laser Raptor drone performs autonomous nocturnal fossil hunts

Giant ancient egg found in Antarctica could be first from a mosasaur

A strange fossil discovered in Antarctica almost a decade ago has finally been identified. Researchers at the University of Austin at Texas have determined that the object is a giant, soft-shell egg, most likely laid by an ancient marine reptile.Contin… Continue reading Giant ancient egg found in Antarctica could be first from a mosasaur

Fossil footprints reveal ancient crocodile that walked on two legs

A strange set of fossilized footprints has been discovered in South Korea. According to palaeontologists, they look an awful lot like crocodile tracks, except for one major difference – the stride is that of a bipedal animal. That led scientists to the… Continue reading Fossil footprints reveal ancient crocodile that walked on two legs

Dinosaur stomach contents reveal last meal and time of death

There’s only so much we can learn about dinosaurs from their dusty old bones. But now, palaeontologists have gathered some fascinating new insights by studying the stomach contents of an incredibly well-preserved nodosaur. They can tell not just what i… Continue reading Dinosaur stomach contents reveal last meal and time of death

Scottish millipede fossil found to be world’s oldest known bug

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin claim to have identified the world’s oldest bug. The specimen is a millipede ancestor found on the island of Kerrera in Scotland, and it dates back 425 million years. The team says that this finding impl… Continue reading Scottish millipede fossil found to be world’s oldest known bug

Scottish millipede fossil found to be world’s oldest known bug

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin claim to have identified the world’s oldest bug. The specimen is a millipede ancestor found on the island of Kerrera in Scotland, and it dates back 425 million years. The team says that this finding impl… Continue reading Scottish millipede fossil found to be world’s oldest known bug