Applying Cleanroom Engineering Techniques such as Formal Verification/Formal Specifications to root out 0-day vulnerabilities such as log4shell? [closed]

I refer to Cleanroom Software Engineering Reference Model ( and Zero-Defect Software (… Continue reading Applying Cleanroom Engineering Techniques such as Formal Verification/Formal Specifications to root out 0-day vulnerabilities such as log4shell? [closed]

Is there some way to verify that what I think I encrypted is actually what was encrypted when I don’t have the private key? (PGP)

Let’s say that Joe gives his PGP public key to Sue so that Sue can send Joe a secret message.
Sue opens her PGP/GPG program, types I’m in love with Joe! and encrypts the message with Joe’s public key.
The result is a blob that only Joe can… Continue reading Is there some way to verify that what I think I encrypted is actually what was encrypted when I don’t have the private key? (PGP)

How can a person prevent themselves to be hacked generally, and more specifically with 2FA

if I create an account with 2FA that gives confirmation number via SMS, and I use a secondary number that is known by nobody, how many chances are there for a hacker to violate my account? I’ve been told that some skillful people can get t… Continue reading How can a person prevent themselves to be hacked generally, and more specifically with 2FA

What are the success factors to security and performance testing?

I’m performing a research regarding security and performance verifiction (testing and reviews).
I would like to know the opinion of practitioners regarding my findings.
Could you answer my survey at… Continue reading What are the success factors to security and performance testing?