Powerful Bit-Flipping Attack

New research: "Flip Feng Shui: Hammering a Needle in the Software Stack," by Kaveh Razavi, Ben Gras, Erik Bosman Bart Preneel, Cristiano Giuffrida, and Herbert Bos. Abstract: We introduce Flip Feng Shui (FFS), a new exploitation vector which allows an attacker to induce bit flips over arbitrary physical memory in a fully controlled way. FFS relies on hardware bugs to… Continue reading Powerful Bit-Flipping Attack

Hijacking Someone’s Facebook Account with a Fake Passport Copy

BBC has the story. The confusion is that a scan of a passport is much easier to forge than an actual passport. This is a truly hard problem: how do you give people the ability to get back into their accounts after they’ve lost their credentials, while at the same time prohibiting hackers from using the same mechanism to hijack… Continue reading Hijacking Someone’s Facebook Account with a Fake Passport Copy