How to make a virtual machine forensics-proof – completely or to the maximum possible level?

I want to make a VMWare (VMWare is first preference but any alternative can be used as well) virtual machine completely digital forensics-proof. I am protecting against someone getting physical access to my computer when I am not there (I … Continue reading How to make a virtual machine forensics-proof – completely or to the maximum possible level?

Is there a way to get Windows login password hint from SAM hive with volatility?

We know that every user in Windows has a password hint. This password hint is stored in the SAM hive, more specifically in the SAM\Domains\Account\Users path. Is there a way to extract this password hint of a user with volatility if we hav… Continue reading Is there a way to get Windows login password hint from SAM hive with volatility?

Forensic tech shows if fingerprints were applied to incriminating text

Even if someone’s fingerprints are found on an incriminating document, that person may claim that they only handled the blank sheet of paper before the real criminal printed anything on it. A new technique, however, can now be used to check if that rea… Continue reading Forensic tech shows if fingerprints were applied to incriminating text