GUEST ESSAY: ‘Cybersecurity specialist’ tops list of work-from-home IT jobs that need filling

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic turned many office workers into work-from-home (WFH) experts, the trend toward working without having to commute was clear.
Related: Mock attacks help SMBs harden defenses
As internet bandwidth has become more availabl… Continue reading GUEST ESSAY: ‘Cybersecurity specialist’ tops list of work-from-home IT jobs that need filling

BEST PRACTICES – 9 must-do security protocols companies must embrace to stem remote work risks

Technology advancements have made it relatively easy for many employees to carry out their regular job duties from the comfort of their home.
Related: Poll confirms rise of Covid 19-related hacks
This is something companies are under pressure to allow … Continue reading BEST PRACTICES – 9 must-do security protocols companies must embrace to stem remote work risks

GUEST ESSAY. Everyone should grasp these facts about cyber threats that plague digital commerce

Regardless of how familiar you are with Information Security, you’ve probably come across the term ‘malware’ countless times. From accessing your business-critical resources and sensitive information to halting business operations and services, a malwa… Continue reading GUEST ESSAY. Everyone should grasp these facts about cyber threats that plague digital commerce

MY TAKE: With disinformation running rampant, embedding ethics into AI has become vital

Plato once sagely observed, “A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.” 
Related: How a Russian social media site radicalized U.S. youth
That advice resonates today, even as we deepen our reliance on number crunching — … (more…)
The po… Continue reading MY TAKE: With disinformation running rampant, embedding ethics into AI has become vital

GUEST ESSAY: 5 steps for raising cyber smart children — who know how to guard their privacy

Today’s children are online at a young age, for many hours, and in more ways than ever before. As adults, we know that bad online decisions can have negative or dangerous effects for years to come.
Related: Web apps are … (more…)
The post GUEST ESSAY:… Continue reading GUEST ESSAY: 5 steps for raising cyber smart children — who know how to guard their privacy

Q&A: Here’s why securing mobile apps is an essential key to tempering political division

Finally, Facebook and Twitter muzzled Donald Trump, preventing him from using his favorite online bully pulpits to spread disinformation. It only took Trump inciting a failed coup d’état that cost five lives.
Related: How a Russian social media app … (… Continue reading Q&A: Here’s why securing mobile apps is an essential key to tempering political division

MY TAKE: How Russia is leveraging insecure mobile apps to radicalize disaffected males

How did we get to this level of disinformation? How did we, the citizens of the United States of America, become so intensely divided?
It’s tempting to place the lion’s share of the blame on feckless political leaders and facile … (more…)
The post MY … Continue reading MY TAKE: How Russia is leveraging insecure mobile apps to radicalize disaffected males

STEPS FORWARD: Math geniuses strive to make a pivotal advance — by obfuscating software code

Most of time we take for granted the degree to which fundamental components of civilization are steeped in mathematics.
Everything from science and engineering to poetry and music rely on numeric calculations. Albert Einstein once observed that “pure m… Continue reading STEPS FORWARD: Math geniuses strive to make a pivotal advance — by obfuscating software code

MY TAKE: Why companies and consumers must collaborate to stop the plundering of IoT systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) has come a long, long way since precocious students at Carnegie Melon University installed micro-switches inside of a Coca-Cola vending machine so they could remotely check on the temperature and availability of their favor… Continue reading MY TAKE: Why companies and consumers must collaborate to stop the plundering of IoT systems

MY TAKE: How ‘credential stuffing’ is being deployed to influence elections, steal Covid-19 relief

What do wildfires and credential stuffing have in common?
Related: Automated attacks leverage big data
For several years now, both have flared up and caused harm at the fringes of population centers and our digital economy. And, now, in 2020, … (more…)… Continue reading MY TAKE: How ‘credential stuffing’ is being deployed to influence elections, steal Covid-19 relief