How high is the risk that a malicious font file infects a Linux system? [closed]

Fonts files contain executable code, which is needed for the hinting mechanisms. If these code blocks contain malware, it is known Windows machines can be infected (see links below). Are there any reports that a Linux machine can be infect… Continue reading How high is the risk that a malicious font file infects a Linux system? [closed]

I found an unusual font in a specific website, Is that has something to do with my device security? [closed]

As you can see on the picture, that website was normal before almost two months but lately i found an unusual font on it, it looks normal on the phone but weird on the computer. So i wonder if that has something to do with my security beca… Continue reading I found an unusual font in a specific website, Is that has something to do with my device security? [closed]

Smoothing Big Fonts on Graphic LCDs

Here’s a neat little trick: take the jaggies out of scaled fonts on the fly! This technique is for use on graphic displays where you might want to scale your fonts up. Normally you’d just write a 2×2 block of pixels for every area where there would have been one …read more

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Study finds “memory-boosting” font doesn’t improve recall

Back in 2018 a team of Australian researchers presented a novel font called Sans Forgetica, with the claim that it helps enhance memory. A team of UK and New Zealand researchers put the font to the test, and in a newly published peer-reviewed article r… Continue reading Study finds “memory-boosting” font doesn’t improve recall

How Much Is That Plotter in the Window?

We live in a strange time indeed. People who once eschewed direct interactions with fellow humans now crave it, but to limited avail. Almost every cashier at the few stores deigned essential enough to maintain operations are sealed away behind plastic shields, with the implication that the less time one …read more

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