Flight Booking System Flaw Affected Customers of 141 Airlines Worldwide

Almost half of the fight travelers around the world were found exposed to a critical security vulnerability discovered in online flight ticket booking system that allowed remote hackers to access and modify their travel details and even claim their fre… Continue reading Flight Booking System Flaw Affected Customers of 141 Airlines Worldwide

more Flight tickets malspam emails deliver Locky

The next in the never ending series of Locky downloaders is an email with the subject of  Flight tickets coming as usual from random companies, names and email addresses  with a semi-random named zip attachment starting with  flight_tickets_ containing a … Continue reading →


Continue reading more Flight tickets malspam emails deliver Locky

I am sending you the flight tickets for your business conference abroad next month malspam delivers Locky

This latest Locky ransomware malspam is a little bit more believable than some recent attempts and might actually fool a few recipients. An email with the subject of flight tickets pretending to come from random companies, senders and email addresses  with a … Continue reading →


Continue reading I am sending you the flight tickets for your business conference abroad next month malspam delivers Locky