[SANS ISC] More obfuscated shell scripts: Fake MacOS Flash update

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “More obfuscated shell scripts: Fake MacOS Flash update”: Yesterday, I wrote a diary about a nice obfuscated shell script. Today, I found another example of a malicious shell script embedded in an Apple .dmg file (an Apple Disk Image). The file was delivered through

[The post [SANS ISC] More obfuscated shell scripts: Fake MacOS Flash update has been first published on /dev/random]

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ESP8266 Wi-Fi Instant Camera is a Simple Shooter

If a camera that combines the immediate gratification of a Polaroid with cloud hosting sounds like something that tickles your fancy, look no farther than this ESP-powered point and shoot camera created by [Martin Fasani]. There’s no screen or complicated configuration on this camera; just press the button and the raw picture pops up on the online gallery. Somehow it’s simultaneously one of the most simplistic and complex implementations of the classic “instant camera” concept, and we love it.

The electronics in the camera itself, which [Martin] calls the FS2, is quite simple. At the core, it’s nothing more than …read more

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Fake Adobe updates installing cryptomining malware while updating Flash

By Waqas
The IT security researchers at Palo Alto Networks has identified that a fake Flash updater is circulating the web and fooling computer users by sneakily installing cryptocurrency mining bot XMRig. In the past few months, researchers have ident… Continue reading Fake Adobe updates installing cryptomining malware while updating Flash

September 2018 Patch Tuesday – 61 Vulns, FragmentSmack, Hyper-V Escape

In this month’s Patch Tuesday release there are 61 vulnerabilities patched with 17 Criticals. Out of the criticals, most are browser-related, with the rest including Windows, Hyper-V, and .net Framework. A vulnerability (CVE-2018-8475) in Windows… Continue reading September 2018 Patch Tuesday – 61 Vulns, FragmentSmack, Hyper-V Escape

Chrome: Flash is almost, almost, almost dead

If you use Google’s Chrome browser, after 4 September, the latest update will make it even harder to use in-browser Adobe Flash. Continue reading Chrome: Flash is almost, almost, almost dead