Gamers Warned of High-Severity Intel, Nvidia Flaws
The Intel NUC and Nvidia Shield both are vulnerable to high-severity flaws, Intel and Nvidia warned in dual advisories. Continue reading Gamers Warned of High-Severity Intel, Nvidia Flaws
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The Intel NUC and Nvidia Shield both are vulnerable to high-severity flaws, Intel and Nvidia warned in dual advisories. Continue reading Gamers Warned of High-Severity Intel, Nvidia Flaws
The Intel NUC and Nvidia Shield both are vulnerable to high-severity flaws, Intel and Nvidia warned in dual advisories. Continue reading Gamers Warned of High-Severity Intel, Nvidia Flaws
Google’s October security update fixed several critical and high-severity vulnerabilities. Continue reading Google October Android Security Update Fixes Critical RCE Flaws
Eight high-severity vulnerabilities exist in the Foxit Reader tool for editing PDF files. Continue reading Foxit PDF Reader Vulnerable to 8 High-Severity Flaws
Overall Adobe’s September security update addressed vulnerabilities in Flash Player and Application Manager. Continue reading Adobe Fixes Critical Flash Player Code Execution Flaws
Mozilla’s newest Firefox iteration also offers new fixes for critical and high-severity vulnerabilities. Continue reading Firefox 69 Release Kills Default Tracking Cookies, Flash Support
Patched critical flaws in Adobe’s Photoshop CC photo editing application enable arbitrary code execution. Continue reading 22 Critical Flaws Patched in Adobe Photoshop
Adobe has issued patches for 87 vulnerabilities on Patch Tuesday – the bulk of which exist in Adobe’s Acrobat and Reader product. Continue reading Adobe Addresses Critical Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat Reader Flaws
The zero-day flaw in Adobe Reader DC could allow bad actors to steal victims’ NTLM hashes. Continue reading Temporary Patch Released For Adobe Reader Zero-Day
A remote attacker could exploit the vulnerability simply by sending an email. Continue reading Critical Flaw in Cisco’s Email Security Appliance Enables ‘Permanent DoS’