Navigating Interconnections: Correlations Between the US Tech 100 Index and Major Indices

By Owais Sultan
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets, the US Tech 100 Index, represented by the Nasdaq 100, emerges…
This is a post from Read the original post: Navigating Interconnections: Correlations Between the US … Continue reading Navigating Interconnections: Correlations Between the US Tech 100 Index and Major Indices

IT Pros in Australian Crypto Need to Brace for Regulation

The Australian government is moving towards regulating cryptocurrency, with a focus on those involved in developing and maintaining crypto platforms. Continue reading IT Pros in Australian Crypto Need to Brace for Regulation

Blockforia: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Prominent Cryptocurrency Exchange

By Owais Sultan
Blockforia functions as a cryptocurrency exchange firmly grounded within the regulatory purview of the European Union.
This is a post from Read the original post: Blockforia: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Prominent Cryptocu… Continue reading Blockforia: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Prominent Cryptocurrency Exchange

PCI DSS Compliance for E-commerce: Ensuring the Security of Cardholder Data

By Owais Sultan
PCI DSS compliance in e-commerce safeguards cardholder data, fortifying trust in online transactions with robust security measures. Protecting…
This is a post from Read the original post: PCI DSS Compliance for E-comm… Continue reading PCI DSS Compliance for E-commerce: Ensuring the Security of Cardholder Data

Australia’s Financial Technology Startups Are Changing How Banks and Financial Institutions Procure New Tech

Australia’s Fintech ecosystem is now seen as a critical source of technology innovation by banks and financial institutions, as they seek to offer products and services faster, more cheaply and more scalably in the fast-changing business and cloud envi… Continue reading Australia’s Financial Technology Startups Are Changing How Banks and Financial Institutions Procure New Tech