FIDO2 Yubikey, systemd-cryptenroll Options – Differences of –fido2-with-client-pin –fido2-with-user-presence –fido2-with-user-verification

I added a FIDO2 token to my encrypted root parition with
systemd-cryptenroll <DISK>
–fido2-with-client-pin=true \
–fido2-with-user-presence \

The tool has three option for configuring what I need to unlo… Continue reading FIDO2 Yubikey, systemd-cryptenroll Options – Differences of –fido2-with-client-pin –fido2-with-user-presence –fido2-with-user-verification

Is there a reason to not send signed FIDO2/WebAuthn session data to the client rather than storing it server side?

Every WebAuthn implementation I’ve seen stores the session data server side, but that just seems pointless to me, since what seems to be essentially all the same data is already sent to the client in the options.
(For clarification what I’… Continue reading Is there a reason to not send signed FIDO2/WebAuthn session data to the client rather than storing it server side?

Is clientDataJson and attestationObject required to verify assertion during authentication in WebAuthN?

Currently I am working on implementing/supporting WebAuthN in my service (JAVA). I have a Control Plane which handles the registration ceremony and Data Plane that handles the authentication ceremony. I am using WebAuthN4J. The persistent … Continue reading Is clientDataJson and attestationObject required to verify assertion during authentication in WebAuthN?

MITM Attacks Can Still Bypass FIDO2 Security, Researchers Warn

By Deeba Ahmed
Is FIDO2 truly unbreachable?  Recent research exposes a potential vulnerability where attackers could use MITM techniques to bypass FIDO2 security keys.
This is a post from Read the original post: MITM Attacks Can Still Byp… Continue reading MITM Attacks Can Still Bypass FIDO2 Security, Researchers Warn

Stealing cookies: Researchers describe how to bypass modern authentication

Passwordless authentication standards have improved identity security, but new research indicates this technology is vulnerable to token hijacks and man-in-the-middle attacks.

The post Stealing cookies: Researchers describe how to bypass modern authentication appeared first on CyberScoop.

Continue reading Stealing cookies: Researchers describe how to bypass modern authentication