Lathe and Laser Team Up to Make Cutting Gear Teeth Easier

Fair warning: watching this hybrid manufacturing method for gear teeth may result in an uncontrollable urge to buy a fiber laser cutter. Hackaday isn’t responsible for any financial difficulties that …read more Continue reading Lathe and Laser Team Up to Make Cutting Gear Teeth Easier

Laser Blasts Out High-Quality PCBs

With how cheap and how fast custom PCBs have gotten, it almost doesn’t make sense to roll your own anymore, especially when you factor in the messy etching steps and the less than stellar results. That’s not the only way to create a PCB, of course, and if you happen …read more

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Fun With A 200-kW Fiber Laser

We’ve all heard the “Do not stare into laser with remaining eye” joke. It’s funny because it’s true, as pretty much any laser a hobbyist can easily come by permanent damage to eyes unless the proper precautions are taken. But a fiber laser with 200kW peak power is in another …read more

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