Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation: A Look Back and Preparing for Phase Three

The DHS’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program outlines strategies to help companies address gaps in their cybersecurity architectures.

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Increased Regulatory Compliance Is Choking the CISO

CISOs and other business leaders are struggling to maintain regulatory compliance as government agencies continue to devise new, complicated laws.

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Trump Cyber Executive Order Calls for 60-Day Review

President Donald Trump postponed the release and signing of an Executive Order around cybersecurity that calls for a 60-day review systems and critical infrastructure. Continue reading Trump Cyber Executive Order Calls for 60-Day Review

Tracking the Digital Transition in the White House

As part of the digital transition in the White House, former President Barack Obama’s social media records will be transferred to a separate archive.

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The U.S. Federal CISO and His First 100 Days

The new federal CISO will work with organizations and advocates in the government and private sectors to devise an overarching U.S. cybersecurity strategy.

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Rising Attack Rates and Massive Breaches Plague Government Organizations

IBM’s “2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index” reported that the government sector is now the fourth most frequently targeted industry in the U.S.

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Cybersecurity Lessons From the 2016 Presidential Election

The 2016 presidential election offered many cybersecurity lessons and highlighted the importance of securing all types of data.

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The Clinton Security Platform: Addressing the Future of Tech

The Clinton security platform may be light on cybersecurity, but the presidential candidate has a lot to say about the future of technology and innovation.

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The Trump Security Platform: Maintaining the GOP Status Quo

The Trump security platform views government regulation critically while also assigning high priority to national security regulations.

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The Clinton Security Platform: Addressing the Future of Tech

The Clinton security platform may be light on cybersecurity, but the presidential candidate has a lot to say about the future of technology and innovation.

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