Free console games on Instagram? Not exactly…

Take a look at some fake “free game” sites found on Instagram. Anyone with children in their family who can’t get enough of freebies online may want to gently steer them away from the below. Everyone from PS4 to Nintendo gamers are potential targets.Ca… Continue reading Free console games on Instagram? Not exactly…

Scammers sneak into customer support conversations on Twitter

We’ve looked at the social engineering tactic of inserting a fake account into a conversation with legitimate support channels in the past, and today – thanks to Techhelplist – we can observe another one, this time going after Natwest bank logins. See … Continue reading Scammers sneak into customer support conversations on Twitter

Network Security Theatre

Summer is nearly here, and with that comes the preparations for the largest gathering of security researchers on the planet. In early August, researchers, geeks, nerds, and other extremely cool people will descend upon the high desert of Las Vegas, Nevada to discuss the vulnerabilities of software, the exploits of hardware, and the questionable activities of government entities. This is Black Hat and DEF CON, when taken together it’s the largest security conference on the planet.

These conferences serve a very important purpose. Unlike academia, security professionals don’t make a name for themselves by publishing in journals. The pecking order …read more

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