In the winter finale of the popular television show “Grey’s Anatomy,” there was an unexpected guest star: ransomware. After years of dealing with natural disasters, surgical regulations, human error, lawsuits and medical accidents, the staff at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital was forced to confront one of today’s most prominent and worrying threats to the health care industry. In the episode, the hospital’s electronic equipment fizzled out, causing life-saving patient information and diagnostic tools to stop working while the hospital’s staff was dealing with a slew of patients. Doctors received a message on their monitors — “We own your servers. We own your systems. We own your patients’ medical records.” — demanding 4,932 bitcoin (worth $20 million when the episode taped, around $40 million as of this article’s publish date) if they wished to have their systems restored to normal. While computers sputtering and loudly shutting off isn’t necessarily a true depiction of […]
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