How Germany’s Troubled Pebble Bed Reactor Came Of Age In China

Although the concept of nuclear fission is a simple and straightforward one, the many choices for fuel types, fuel design, reactor configurations, coolant types, neutron moderator or reflector types, etc. …read more Continue reading How Germany’s Troubled Pebble Bed Reactor Came Of Age In China

Cold War Spying And The Questionable Use Of Smuggled Blueprints In Developing Supersonic Airliners

Although spying is a time-honored tradition, the sheer scope of it reached a fever pitch during the Cold War, when everyone was spying on everyone, and conceivably for both sides …read more Continue reading Cold War Spying And The Questionable Use Of Smuggled Blueprints In Developing Supersonic Airliners

Robotic Mic Swarm Helps Pull Voices Out of Crowded Room of Multiple Speakers

One of the persistent challenges in audio technology has been distinguishing individual voices in a room full of chatter. In virtual meeting settings, the moderator can simply hit the mute …read more Continue reading Robotic Mic Swarm Helps Pull Voices Out of Crowded Room of Multiple Speakers