Galen Hunt, Microsoft Azure – Paul’s Security Weekly #565

Founder of Microsoft Azure Sphere, Galen Hunt is a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft. Azure Sphere provides an end-to-end solution that enables any device manufacturer to create highly-secured devices; devices possessing all 7 Properties of Highly-Se… Continue reading Galen Hunt, Microsoft Azure – Paul’s Security Weekly #565

Ismael Valenzuela, SANS Institute – Enterprise Security Weekly #70

Ismael Valenzuela is a SANS instructor and Principal Engineer at McAfee. Since founding one of the first IT Security consultancies in Spain, he has participated in numerous security projects across the globe over the past 17 years. Full Show NotesVisit… Continue reading Ismael Valenzuela, SANS Institute – Enterprise Security Weekly #70

Why I Got The Job

Hackaday readers are a vast and varied bunch. Some of us would call ourselves engineers or are otherwise employed in some kind of technical role. Others may still be studying to gain the requisite qualifications and are perhaps wondering just how to complete that final leap into the realm of gainful employment. Well, this one’s for you.

What sort of job are you looking for?

You might be a straight, down the lines, petroleum engineering graduate who’s looking to land a job in the oil and gas industry. Conversely, you might be an arts student who’s picked up a few …read more

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