How do I read an email log that captures bodies in different combinations of encodings plus underlying format

I have a log of spam emails collected from various sources, in JSON. The goal is to move it all into plaintext to become a training corpus for a machine learning exercise. Mail subject, etc, is plaintext. Bodies, however, are encoded…
As… Continue reading How do I read an email log that captures bodies in different combinations of encodings plus underlying format

Potential vulnerability in JSON response returning base 64 encoded image data, with the response being vulnerable to MIME sniffing

A JSON response in the API of a webapp is returning the base64 of a user-uploaded image, and there’s no X-Content-Type-Options Header to prevent MIME sniffing.
Could this be a potential vulnerability such as an XSS for the webapp by using … Continue reading Potential vulnerability in JSON response returning base 64 encoded image data, with the response being vulnerable to MIME sniffing