Spam mail from own mailserver, but there is no outgoing mail in postfix log? [duplicate]

Today I received a phishing mail from my own (valid) sender address (
I checked the e-mail header and see the mail was received by my valid mailserver.
Received: from ([::1]:36128) by (kopa… Continue reading Spam mail from own mailserver, but there is no outgoing mail in postfix log? [duplicate]

How many times need e-mail headers be signed with DKIM to mitigate DKIM header injection attacks?

Many people have written about DKIM header injection attacks. [1] The suggestion to mitigate it is to oversign headers and to rotate any DKIM keys that were previously used to sign e-mails where not all important headers have been oversign… Continue reading How many times need e-mail headers be signed with DKIM to mitigate DKIM header injection attacks?

Can you rule out the possibility that an email is spoofed despite passing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC?

Excuse my ignorance. I’m just a beginner trying to fill in the knowledge gaps that I have on how email system in general works, so this might seem a silly question to some or even all of you.
Is there a possibility that an email comes from… Continue reading Can you rule out the possibility that an email is spoofed despite passing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC?