How to secure software in a DevOps world

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the world has made a growing number of people realize how many of our everyday activities depend on software. We increasingly work, educate ourselves, play, communicate with others, consume entertainment, go shop… Continue reading How to secure software in a DevOps world

Keep remote workers and their devices secure with one click

In this interview for Help Net Security, Shailesh Athalye, VP Compliance at Qualys, discusses cloud-based Remote Endpoint Protection and illustrates how security teams can leverage its numerous features. Qualys recently added malware detection to its c… Continue reading Keep remote workers and their devices secure with one click

Data Protection Officer independence: Ethical and practical considerations

In light of recent regulator action regarding Data Protection Officer (DPO) independence, this article considers the ethical and practical considerations surrounding the appointment of a DPO. The fines and regulatory risk On April 28, 2020, the Belgian… Continue reading Data Protection Officer independence: Ethical and practical considerations

Building relationships: The key to becoming a true cybersecurity leader

Slowly but surely, organizations are starting to view information security as a business problem, not an IT problem, and as everybody’s responsibility. “The CISO role is evolving to be less technical and more business-centric and, in many o… Continue reading Building relationships: The key to becoming a true cybersecurity leader

How do I select a security awareness solution for my business?

“Great security awareness training, that is part of a healthy cyber security culture and that is aimed at encouraging positive security behaviours, is essential. The problem is that awareness-raising training has a history of being dry, dull, tec… Continue reading How do I select a security awareness solution for my business?

Cybercriminals banking on finance: Mitigating escalation

When it comes to cyber attacks, no industry is safe. But according to Boston Consulting Group research, financial service firms experience up to 300 times as many cyber attacks per year compared to companies in other industries. No financial firm is ev… Continue reading Cybercriminals banking on finance: Mitigating escalation

Zero-day flaws in widespread TCP/IP library open millions of IoT devices to remote attack

19 vulnerabilities – some of them allowing remote code execution – have been discovered in a TCP/IP stack/library used in hundreds of millions of IoT devices deployed by organizations in a wide variety of industries and sectors. “Affe… Continue reading Zero-day flaws in widespread TCP/IP library open millions of IoT devices to remote attack

A look inside privacy enhancing technologies

There is a growing global recognition of the value of data and the importance of prioritizing data privacy and security as critical cornerstones of business operations. While many events and developments could be viewed as contributing to this trend, i… Continue reading A look inside privacy enhancing technologies

Three years after WannaCry, what have we learned?

Three years ago, the WannaCry ransomware worm wreaked havoc on hundreds of thousands of organizations worldwide, ranging from hospitals that had to pause urgent operations to multinational delivery services that were forced to halt the transportation o… Continue reading Three years after WannaCry, what have we learned?