Does analyzing employee emails run afoul of the GDPR?

A desire to remain compliant with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy laws has made HR leaders wary of any new technology that digs too deeply into employee emails. This is understandable, as GDPR non-compli… Continue reading Does analyzing employee emails run afoul of the GDPR?

Marred by garbage: Striking a balance for security data

Security applications are subject to the age-old computing axiom of “garbage in, garbage out.” To work effectively, they need the right data. Too much irrelevant data may overwhelm the processing and analytics of solutions and the results they deliver…. Continue reading Marred by garbage: Striking a balance for security data

Why identity-based, distributed controls are better suited to address cloud-era threats

With more and more IT resources moving to the cloud and remote work becoming a ubiquitous business practice due to COVID-19, perimeter-based security is undeniably becoming a weak link, especially since attackers have repeatedly demonstrated they can b… Continue reading Why identity-based, distributed controls are better suited to address cloud-era threats

With regard to industrial cyber, we can no longer hide our heads in the sand

The massive attack on national infrastructures in Australia, only recently publicized, as well as the attack on Israel’s water infrastructure, do well to illustrate the threats prevalent in the world. Note that when a hostile entity—whether a cou… Continue reading With regard to industrial cyber, we can no longer hide our heads in the sand

How to establish a threat intelligence program

Instituting an in-house cyber threat intelligence (CTI) program as part of the larger cybersecurity efforts can bring about many positive outcomes: The organization may naturally switch from a reactive cybersecurity posture to a predictive, proactive o… Continue reading How to establish a threat intelligence program

Ransomware perspectives: The shape of things to come

Michael Hamilton, CISO of CI Security, has worked in the information security industry for 30 years. As former CISO for the City of Seattle, he managed information security policy, strategy, and operations for 30 government agencies. In this interview … Continue reading Ransomware perspectives: The shape of things to come

How to protect remote workers from phishing and other attacks

Working from home is a new ‘norm’ for many organizations, but the shift toward remote work has been steadily increasing for the past decade. In fact, between 1996 and 2016 there’s been a 300% increase in the number of companies offering remote work opt… Continue reading How to protect remote workers from phishing and other attacks

How do I select a mobile security solution for my business?

The percentage of companies admitting to suffering a mobile-related compromise has grown, despite a higher percentage of organizations deciding not to sacrifice the security of mobile devices to meet business targets. To make things worse, the C-suite … Continue reading How do I select a mobile security solution for my business?

5 cybersecurity considerations for getting back to work securely

As governments begin lifting emergency orders, company leaders are considering policies, technology and processes that will protect their workforces. Many of these factors rightly center around health and safety, but we must also acknowledge that all o… Continue reading 5 cybersecurity considerations for getting back to work securely