Why outsourcing your DPO role is an effective insurance policy

Organizations are starting to take a much more considered approach to data protection as high-profile regulatory action for data mishandlings has raised both the stakes and interest in data privacy operations. Since the EU General Data Protection Regul… Continue reading Why outsourcing your DPO role is an effective insurance policy

California’s IoT cybersecurity bill: What it gets right and wrong

California state lawmakers should be lauded for SB 327, their well-intentioned legislative attempt at tackling one of the most pressing issues in the tech sector: IoT security. But as the law went into effect at the start of the year, they will also (u… Continue reading California’s IoT cybersecurity bill: What it gets right and wrong

App on Google Play exploited Android bug to deliver spyware

Google has pulled three malicious apps from Google Play, one of which exploits a recently patched kernel privilege escalation bug in Android (CVE-2019-2215) to install the app aimed at spying on users. About CVE-2019-2215 The existence of CVE-2019-2215… Continue reading App on Google Play exploited Android bug to deliver spyware

Why the 2020 US presidential election is still vulnerable to foreign interference

With the international political situation becoming increasingly fraught and divisive, it is hard to ignore the shadow of foreign interference looming over electoral proceedings around the world. Not only are the US elections arguably some of the most … Continue reading Why the 2020 US presidential election is still vulnerable to foreign interference

Smart cities are on the rise, what are the dangers?

A combination of job prospects, local amenities and other attractions is drawing more people to city living than ever before. Indeed, the UN estimates that by 2050 two-thirds of the global population will be living in cities, up from just over half cur… Continue reading Smart cities are on the rise, what are the dangers?

PCs still running Windows 7 will soon be significantly more at risk of ransomware

PCs still running when Windows 7 reaches end of life on the 14th of January will be significantly more at risk of ransomware, Veritas Technologies has warned. According to experts, 26% of PCs are expected to still be running the Microsoft software afte… Continue reading PCs still running Windows 7 will soon be significantly more at risk of ransomware

Burner phones are an eavesdropping risk for international travelers

In recent years, burner phones have become an obligatory part of the international business traveler’s toolkit. But though these devices are designed to minimize the amount of stored data available for capture by malicious actors in a foreign country, … Continue reading Burner phones are an eavesdropping risk for international travelers

Data ownership vs. data processing: A moral dilemma?

Work around data seems to never end. Between collection, sharing and use – the burden of this falls onto the shoulders of the CISO, the broadness of which, seems to be increasing year-on-year. The question that must be asked is, can we expect the… Continue reading Data ownership vs. data processing: A moral dilemma?

Modern security product certification best practices

IT security product manufacturers are required to achieve government mandated, standards-based certifications to get their product in market. One of the most common, aptly called Common Criteria (CC), was introduced more than two decades ago to help st… Continue reading Modern security product certification best practices

Five cyber risks that will define 2020

2019 was a bad year for data security. By virtually every metric, it was the worst ever. According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2019 Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach reached $3.92 million, the highest amount on record. At t… Continue reading Five cyber risks that will define 2020