GnuPG now uses ECC 25519 as default on new key generation – any compatibility issues to worry about?

TL;DR: I’m assuming that if GnuPG made it a default then it should be what we use, but it used "bad" defaults in the past so I’m wondering if there are any tradeoffs to this? More specifically: is ECC 25519 sufficiently adopted … Continue reading GnuPG now uses ECC 25519 as default on new key generation – any compatibility issues to worry about?

How prepared are organizations for the challenges of the changing SAP landscape

The Tricentis, Capgemini and Sogeti report explores current SAP adoption and implementation trends, and organizations’ preparedness to deal with the challenges emerging from the changing SAP landscape. “SAP’s ERP system acts as the backbone of business… Continue reading How prepared are organizations for the challenges of the changing SAP landscape

RSA vs ECC certificate for IoT device client side certificate authentication

I am using client-side certificate authentication (mutual authentication) in my IoT prototype. we acquire client side certificates using embedded PKI through a CA.
There are the provisions of acquiring ECC or RSA certificates. I was wonder… Continue reading RSA vs ECC certificate for IoT device client side certificate authentication