[SANS ISC] Simple Mimikatz & RDPWrapper Dropper

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Simple Mimikatz & RDPWrapper Dropper“: Let’s review a malware sample that I spotted a few days ago. I found it interesting because it’s not using deep techniques to infect its victims. The initial sample is a malicious VBScript. For a few weeks, I started

[The post [SANS ISC] Simple Mimikatz & RDPWrapper Dropper has been first published on /dev/random]

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Mains Power Supply for ATtiny Project is Probably a Bad Idea

When designing a mains power supply for a small load DC circuit, there are plenty of considerations. Small size, efficiency, and cost of materials all spring to mind. Potential lethality seems like it would be a bad thing to design in, but that didn’t stop [Great Scott!] from exploring capacitive …read more

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Mobile malware evolution 2018

Users of mobile devices in 2018 faced what could be the strongest cybercriminal onslaught ever seen. Over the course of the year, we observed both new mobile device infection techniques and a step-up in the use of tried-and-tested distribution schemes (for example, SMS spam). Continue reading Mobile malware evolution 2018