Hacker Finds Kill Switch for Submachine Gun–Wielding Robot Dog
The submachine gun–firing robot dog can be remotely shut down with an AI dolphin branded hacker’s tool. Continue reading Hacker Finds Kill Switch for Submachine Gun–Wielding Robot Dog
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The submachine gun–firing robot dog can be remotely shut down with an AI dolphin branded hacker’s tool. Continue reading Hacker Finds Kill Switch for Submachine Gun–Wielding Robot Dog
Seems it’s now common to sneak contraband into prisons with a drone.
Continue reading Drone Deliveries into Prisons
The remarkable Zephyr is a stratospheric UAV designed to fly ultra-long endurance missions acting as a solar-powered observation and comms platform. In its latest test, it sailed past its old endurance record two weeks ago, and may still be up there.Co… Continue reading Zephyr UAS smashes its own endurance record, may still be up there
A stretch of airspace spanning 165 miles (265 km) across England is set to become the world’s longest dedicated drone corridor, with the UK government approving plans for the initiative as part of a wider push into next-generation aviation. Called Skyw… Continue reading 165-mile Project Skyway to become the world’s longest highway for drones
Engineers at MIT have added a new ability to existing flying robots – they can now glow when they flap their wings. Inspired by fireflies, this fluorescence could help with communication or tracking of the tiny, lightweight robots.Continue ReadingCateg… Continue reading Robotic fireflies light up with every flap of their wings
SpearUAV has released its Ninox 103 UW Sub-to-Air encapsulated autonomous quadcopter, which it claims is the first loitering drone that can be launched from a submarine and other submerged platforms for immediate beyond-line-of-sight situational awaren… Continue reading First quadcopter drone that can be launched from a submarine underwater
After turning its main attention away from jetpacks and to its Speeder Air Utility Vehicle (AUV), JetPack Aviation has shown the fruits of its labors in the form of the flight-ready P2 Speeder prototype. At the Draper Venture Network CEO Summit in Cali… Continue reading Mayman Aerospace debuts flight-ready Speeder flying motorbike prototype
Most drones need to tilt to move and correct against gusts of wind. Pitch Aero’s Astria, however, can keep itself preternaturally level and stable, thanks to a novel use of cyclorotors that opens up a range of use cases other drones can’t handle.Contin… Continue reading Non-tilting cyclorotor drone boasts unique abilities
Puerto Rico-based Red Cat Holdings has announced what it believes is the first and only commercially available multi-drone swarm system, allowing several DoD-approved drones to perform co-ordinated tasks under the control of a single pilot.Continue Rea… Continue reading You can now buy a co-ordinated multi-drone swarm in a box
China christened a remarkable new 290-foot ship last week – the world’s first semi-autonomous drone carrier. It’ll carry, launch, recover and co-ordinate the actions of more than 50 other autonomous aerial, surface and underwater vehicles.Continue Read… Continue reading China launches an autonomous mothership full of autonomous drones