‘Doom’ Rendered Entirely in ASCII Is the Most 1337 Way to Play
‘1337d00m’ is a new and challenging way to play the first person shooter. Continue reading ‘Doom’ Rendered Entirely in ASCII Is the Most 1337 Way to Play
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‘1337d00m’ is a new and challenging way to play the first person shooter. Continue reading ‘Doom’ Rendered Entirely in ASCII Is the Most 1337 Way to Play
‘Cyperpunk 2077,’ ‘Gears of War 5,’ ‘Halo Infinite’ and others all got new trailers at E3. Continue reading Watch These E3 Trailers Instead of Working
Readers of a certain vintage will remember the glee of building your own levels for DOOM. There was something magical about carefully crafting a level and then dialing up your friends for a death match session on the new map. Now computers scientists are getting in on that fun in a new way. Researchers from Politecnico di Milano are using artificial intelligence to create new levels for the classic DOOM shooter (PDF whitepaper).
While procedural level generation has been around for decades, recent advances in machine learning to generate game content (usually levels) are different because they don’t use a …read more
Continue reading Neural Networks Using Doom Level Creator Like It’s 1993
Algorithms that can make video game levels humans want to play can automate aspects of game design. Continue reading AI Can Generate ‘Doom’ Levels Now
Researchers got deep learning models to train inside their own hallucinated ideas of the world. Continue reading Watch a Computer Learn to Play ‘Doom’ Inside a Dream
[C Bel] teaches Excel and he has a problem. Most of us — especially us Hackaday types — immediately write a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macro to do tough things in Excel. Not only is this difficult for non-technical users, but it also isn’t as efficient, according to [C Bel]. To demonstrate that VBA macros are not always needed, he wrote a 3D game engine using nothing but Excel formulae. He did have to resort to VBA to get user input and in a very few cases to improve the performance of large algorithms. You can see his result …read more
One way to defend against Spectre and Meltdown. Continue reading This CPU Exploit-Safe Version of Doom Runs at .00003 FPS
‘Brutal Wolfenstein 3D’ modder releases massive new patch, introducing reworked weapons and sprites. Continue reading ‘Brutal Wolfenstein 3D’ Makes Old-School Nazi Killing Look Better Than Ever
[Jānis]’s entry for the Flashing Light Prize was doomed from the start. Or should we say Doomed? It was a complicated mess of Rube-Goldbergery that essentially guaranteed that he’d have no time for making a proper video and submitting and entry. But it also ran Doom. Or at least ran on Doom.
(Note: [Jānis] sent us this hack in the e-mail — there’s no link for this blog post. You’re reading it here and now.)
It starts with a DC motor salvaged from a DVD player that spins a wheel that flips a switch back and forth, which in …read more
‘Doom’ gets the RPG treatment. Continue reading This Mod Turns ‘Doom 2’ Into ‘Diablo II’