Zuckerberg: Facebook Identified and Notified Presidential Campaigns of Russian Hacking Attempts in 2016

Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Facebook’s security team identified Russian government hackers targeting US presidential campaigns and notified them of the hack attempts. Continue reading Zuckerberg: Facebook Identified and Notified Presidential Campaigns of Russian Hacking Attempts in 2016

Cambridge Analytica’s secret coding sauce allegedly leaked

The exposed data, available free by registering an email address, shows CA used software developed by AggregateIQ to sway US elections.

Continue reading Cambridge Analytica’s secret coding sauce allegedly leaked

What Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica problem means for your data

Facebook is in the spotlight, as the recent Cambridge Analytica story involving millions of users’ data continues to melt news servers around the world. We strip away the complications and tell you exactly what happened, and why you may want to re… Continue reading What Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica problem means for your data

Guccifer 2.0’s schoolboy error reveals he’s hacking from Moscow

So-called “lone hacker” was in fact an officer with Russia’s military intelligence division. Forgetting to enable his VPN on one single occasion helped investigators identify his real location.
Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.
Continue reading Guccifer 2.0’s schoolboy error reveals he’s hacking from Moscow

New whistleblower says Facebook turned a blind eye to covert data harvesting

Sandy Parakilas, formerly responsible for policing data breaches, said ignorance was bliss and assumed to protect Facebook from liability. Continue reading New whistleblower says Facebook turned a blind eye to covert data harvesting

Watch Cambridge Analytica Executives Say They Masterminded Trump’s Election Win

A second documentary from Channel 4 News reveals Cambridge Analytica sharing the tactics it used to allegedly win the presidential election for Donald Trump. Continue reading Watch Cambridge Analytica Executives Say They Masterminded Trump’s Election Win

Watch Cambridge Analytica Executives Say They Masterminded Trump’s Election Win

A second documentary from Channel 4 News reveals Cambridge Analytica sharing the tactics it used to allegedly win the presidential election for Donald Trump. Continue reading Watch Cambridge Analytica Executives Say They Masterminded Trump’s Election Win