China accused of running industrial cyberespionage operation to steal US aviation and technological data

Between 2010 and 2015, Chinese operatives together with hackers and company insiders working at a facility in Jiangsu, China, allegedly engaged in a major industrial cyberespionage operation targeting a US – French manufacturing company developin… Continue reading China accused of running industrial cyberespionage operation to steal US aviation and technological data

UK Watchdog Now Pushing Premature Ejaculation Treatment Rather than Surveillance Reports

The Interception of Communications Commissioner (IOCCO) is a recently closed UK watchdog. But now someone is using the body’s website to push premature ejaculation treatments in place of important IOCCO reports on surveillance. Continue reading UK Watchdog Now Pushing Premature Ejaculation Treatment Rather than Surveillance Reports

Another Week Another Mass Domain Hijacking

Following shortly after the .io domain cock-up that left thousands vulnerable to domain hijacking, this week more than 750 domains were jacked via registrar Gandi. Seems like some pretty sloppy administration going on, but that’s how business goes sadly security is still a very much reactive trade. People don’t enable strict controls and audit…

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CloudFlare’s New Domain Registry Protects Site Owners From Domain Hijacking

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - SEPT 29, 2010 Photo by Max Whittaker CloudFlare, the security-focused content delivery network, already protects its customers from DDoS attacks and other attacks, but today, the company is taking another step to ensure its customers remain in control of their sites. CloudFlare is launching a domain registry service — CloudFlare Registrar — that protects high-profile sites from domain hijackings and domain… Read More Continue reading CloudFlare’s New Domain Registry Protects Site Owners From Domain Hijacking