Is there any reason to why there cannot be a rule/law that prohibits the securing of domain names for resale? E.g A new acquired domain must have a running website within say 1 year or 6 months otherwise will be made available to other users? And make sure that those found selling domain names are brought down to face a criminal charge? Or people that suspects a a website to be fake should report that domain? I’ve seen most acquired domains always has some generic content related to that domain name with a link that claims this domain is available for sell at GoDaddy or whatever they say.
From a personal point of view, last time I searched for a domain name, it showed it was available, a few minutes later when I tried to register for the domain, it was apparently taken. This shows that now there’s automated systems that listens/monitors to domain searches and automatically registers that domain as their own and later offer the domain for resell.
These are just my 2 cents!
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