JumpCloud Webinars

Webinars are excellent resources for those looking to learn more about a specific product or area of interest. They provide in-depth breakdowns of industry concepts along with best practices to…
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Is Google IdP a Directory Service?

Google has a long history of taking up arms against Microsoft with services like Gmail and G Suite. So, it makes sense that IT admins are wondering if Google’s next…
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Budgeting for Active Directory®: Identity Federation

When looking to acquire Microsoft’s® Active Directory® product, most IT administrators will initially smile. The cost: “free”. Active Directory and domain control services at large are features that may be…
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Group Policy for Macs

Group Policy for Macs would be a dream come true for IT admins. Group Policy Objects (GPOs) have been a foundational component of system management in Active Directory®. But GPOs…
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Google IdP Replacement

Google has been making a significant push into the modern enterprise. Google isn’t content to be just a search engine provider. Now they also want to be the cloud infrastructure…
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Cloud-Based System Management

Cloud-based system management is an exciting new category that has caught the attention of many IT admins. The excitement comes from the fact that the ability to manage systems has…
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JumpCloud Tutorial Videos: Using Directory-as-a-Service

A large part of the draw of JumpCloud Directory-as-a-Service® is its wide-ranging functionality, from system/user management to SSO, networking, and our integrations with a variety of platforms. With all of…
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Is there a Managed Alternative to Active Directory®?

Modern day IT organizations are moving to more managed solutions than ever before. It comes as no surprise either, due to the sheer amount of work that IT admins can…
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Cross Platform GPO-like Capabilities

Group Policy Objects (GPOs) offer some of the most powerful capabilities of the Microsoft® Active Directory® (AD) platform. The challenge has always been that GPOs only work for Windows® based…
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JumpCloud Whiteboard Series: Overviews of Features & Architecture

At JumpCloud, our goal is to make a directory that’s not only powerful, but also easy to use and understand. As part of that mission, we go to great lengths…
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