Binalyze’s Emre Tinaztepe and Tom Blumenthal on Enterprise Forensic Readiness

Christa: What is forensic readiness, and what does it mean for enterprise forensics? How can incident responders find the right balance between speed and effectiveness as well as what’s required at each stage of an incident response? To h… Continue reading Binalyze’s Emre Tinaztepe and Tom Blumenthal on Enterprise Forensic Readiness

Joshua Smith, Training Instructor, Oxygen Forensics

Joshua, you recently transitioned from a U.S. Army career to the private sector. Tell us a little more about what first drew you to digital forensics.

I got started in digital forensics in 2007, while working as a Special Agent … Read more Th… Continue reading Joshua Smith, Training Instructor, Oxygen Forensics

Alberta Law Enforcement Unit Leverages OpenText EnCase To Significantly Improve Case Efficiency

Internet Child Exploitation Unit (ICE) turns to OpenText EnCase Forensic to close cases faster and prosecute more offenders.

When child exploitation materials are uploaded to the Internet, websites often report those uploads to the National Cen… Continue reading Alberta Law Enforcement Unit Leverages OpenText EnCase To Significantly Improve Case Efficiency

Kali Linux team releases Kaboxer, a tool for managing applications in containers

The team behind the popular pentesting Kali Linux distro has released Kaboxer, a tool to help penetration testers use older applications that don’t work on modern operating systems, apps that need to run in isolation, and applications that are ha… Continue reading Kali Linux team releases Kaboxer, a tool for managing applications in containers

Cado Security locks in $10M for its cloud-native digital forensics platform

As computing systems become increasingly bigger and more complex, forensics have become an increasingly important part of how organizations can better secure them. As the recent Solar Winds breach has shown, it’s not always just a matter of being able to identify data loss, or prevent hackers from coming in in the first place. In […] Continue reading Cado Security locks in $10M for its cloud-native digital forensics platform

Should You Hire a Computer Forensics Specialist?

The need for computer and digital forensics experts is growing significantly due to the increase in cyberattacks, with digital forensics skillsets becoming a critical element in helping IT security teams learn from security incidents. This type of kno… Continue reading Should You Hire a Computer Forensics Specialist?

What’s Happening at Techno Security Myrtle Beach: June 6th-9th, 2021

In 2020, as workplaces and schools worldwide shut down to help control the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, many professional conferences followed suit. Some promoted professional development via webinars; others kept a three- to five-day form… Continue reading What’s Happening at Techno Security Myrtle Beach: June 6th-9th, 2021

Santosh Khadsare, Laboratory Head, CERT-In New Delhi

Mr Khadsare, you’ve worked in the cybersecurity and digital forensics field for about 20 years. How did you get into this line of work, and how have you seen the field in India evolve in that time?

Well, I graduated … Read more The post… Continue reading Santosh Khadsare, Laboratory Head, CERT-In New Delhi

Analyzing an Instance of Meterpreter’s Shellcode

In my previous post on detecting and investigating Meterpreter’s Migrate functionality, I went down a rabbit hole on the initial PowerShell attack spawned by and Excel macro. In that payload was a bit of shellcode and I mentioned that I’d like to retur… Continue reading Analyzing an Instance of Meterpreter’s Shellcode