Are fingerprints scans susceptible to either dictionary attack or pass-the-hash-attack? [closed]

If a user scan his fingerprint, and this fingerprint (let’s say a [x,y] image) is hashed and then sent to a server that stores this hash, is the fingerprint scan susceptible to either dictionary attack or pass-the-hash attack?

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Is it possible to have and use a dynamic dictionary for brute-forcing? [duplicate]

For some reason – totally useless for the question – I have this PDF file with a password I forgot and I have no way to remember. I know for a fact (the person who created and gave me this PDF told me so) that the password starts with &quo… Continue reading Is it possible to have and use a dynamic dictionary for brute-forcing? [duplicate]

Using Lookup Tables to Make the Impossible Possible

Embarrassing confession time: I never learned my multiplication tables in grade school. Sure, I had the easy tables like the twos and the fives down, but if asked what 4 x 7 or 8 x 6 was, I’d draw a blank. As you can imagine, that made me a less …read more

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How to create custom brute force dictionary with all digits 0000-9999 with characters before and after?

I want to mess around with some brute force stuff. I made a fake login and I want to see if I can create a dictionary that will brute force my own password using only a generic pattern. The pattern is (two random letters a-… Continue reading How to create custom brute force dictionary with all digits 0000-9999 with characters before and after?