Phinally Using Photoshop to Phacilitate Phorensic Analysis

Hello again readers, and welcome back! Today’s blog post is going to cover the process that I personally use to rearrange and correlate RDP Bitmap Cache data in Photoshop. Yes, I am aware that some of you know me primarily for my Photoshop productions … Continue reading Phinally Using Photoshop to Phacilitate Phorensic Analysis

From IT to OT Security, Lesley Carhart – Paul’s Security Weekly #603

    Lesley Carhart is the Principal Threat Analyst at Dragos Inc.. Lesley has been performing digital forensics and incident response on unconventional systems and advanced adversary attacks for over a decade. Lesley will be discussing her transition f… Continue reading From IT to OT Security, Lesley Carhart – Paul’s Security Weekly #603

Malicious PDFs | Revealing the Techniques Behind the Attacks

PDF files are great for users, and crafted PDFs are great for cybercriminals! How do attackers turn a PDF into a malicious attack vector? Find out here!
The post Malicious PDFs | Revealing the Techniques Behind the Attacks appeared first on Security Bo… Continue reading Malicious PDFs | Revealing the Techniques Behind the Attacks

SANS DFIR Summit 2018, Cindy Murphy’s ‘Digital Forensics Truths That Turn Out To Be Wrong’

The post SANS DFIR Summit 2018, Cindy Murphy’s ‘Digital Forensics Truths That Turn Out To Be Wrong’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.
Continue reading SANS DFIR Summit 2018, Cindy Murphy’s ‘Digital Forensics Truths That Turn Out To Be Wrong’

Incident Response Basics: Getting started with DFIR

The digital world has borrowed terminology and principals form the kinetic world for decades. We’ve all heard of an upcoming cyber war using cyber bullets spawned from the digital pearl harbor. We have gangs, as well as cyber-gangs, or criminals,… Continue reading Incident Response Basics: Getting started with DFIR

Live Response Collection Development Roadmap for 2018

Hello again readers and welcome back! It’s been a little while …OK, a long while… since I’ve made updates to the Live Response Collection. Rest assured for those of you who have used, and continue to use it, that I am still working on it, and tryin… Continue reading Live Response Collection Development Roadmap for 2018

Let’s Talk About Kext

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today’s blog post is going to cover some of the interesting things I found poking around MacOS while developing updates to the Live Response Collection. First off, I have to offer my thanks to Sarah Edwards for tak… Continue reading Let’s Talk About Kext

CircleCity Con 5.0 2018, Joe Gray’s ‘Dear Blue Team: Proactive Steps to Supercharge your IR’

The post CircleCity Con 5.0 2018, Joe Gray’s ‘Dear Blue Team: Proactive Steps to Supercharge your IR’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.
Continue reading CircleCity Con 5.0 2018, Joe Gray’s ‘Dear Blue Team: Proactive Steps to Supercharge your IR’

[SANS ISC] Converting PCAP Web Traffic to Apache Log

I published the following diary on “Converting PCAP Web Traffic to Apache Log“: PCAP data can be really useful when you must investigate an incident but when the amount of PCAP files to analyse is counted in gigabytes, it may quickly become tricky to handle. Often, the first protocol

[The post [SANS ISC] Converting PCAP Web Traffic to Apache Log has been first published on /dev/random]

Continue reading [SANS ISC] Converting PCAP Web Traffic to Apache Log