Are deserialization attacks possible when unmarshalling user input to non-vulnerable types using the JAXB unmarshaller?

Are deserialization attacks possible when unmarshalling user input to non-vulnerable types using the JAXB unmarshaller?
We all know that deserializing user input to arbitrary types in Java leaves an application open to deserialization atta… Continue reading Are deserialization attacks possible when unmarshalling user input to non-vulnerable types using the JAXB unmarshaller?

PHP code review: is it open to object code injection through unserialize [closed]

I’m trying to figure out if the code below is open to object injection:
// loggin level
define(‘CRIT’, 5);
define(‘ERROR’, 4);
// secret is defined somewhere in the script like this
define(‘SECRET’, ‘mYs3cr37P4… Continue reading PHP code review: is it open to object code injection through unserialize [closed]

How to find a potential JSON Java deserialization code vulnerability with a whitebox approach in web server source code?

I would like to know a somewhat general approach for white box vulnerability scanning, mainly focused around Java deserialization code bugs that could lead to RCEs (Remote Code Execution following deserialization).
So far, my current strat… Continue reading How to find a potential JSON Java deserialization code vulnerability with a whitebox approach in web server source code?