API Discovery and Profiling — Visibility to Protection

APIs have become a dominant mechanism in the modern web, allowing organizations to create powerful web and mobile experiences, while exposing back-end data and logic to create new and innovative offerings. Protecting internet-facing APIs — an emerging… Continue reading API Discovery and Profiling — Visibility to Protection

API Discovery and Profiling — Visibility to Protection

APIs have become a dominant mechanism in the modern web, allowing organizations to create powerful web and mobile experiences, while exposing back-end data and logic to create new and innovative offerings. Protecting internet-facing APIs — an emerging practice over the past few years — is the default requirement for web application security in 2020 and beyond. Continue reading API Discovery and Profiling — Visibility to Protection

Drone Denial-of-Service Attack against Gatwick Airport

Someone is flying a drone over Gatwick Airport in order to disrupt service: Chris Woodroofe, Gatwick’s chief operating officer, said on Thursday afternoon there had been another drone sighting which meant it was impossible to say when the airport would… Continue reading Drone Denial-of-Service Attack against Gatwick Airport

Drone Denial-of-Service Attack against Gatwick Airport

Someone is flying a drone over Gatwick Airport in order to disrupt service: Chris Woodroofe, Gatwick’s chief operating officer, said on Thursday afternoon there had been another drone sighting which meant it was impossible to say when the airport would reopen. He told BBC News: "There are 110,000 passengers due to fly today, and the vast majority of those will… Continue reading Drone Denial-of-Service Attack against Gatwick Airport

New DDoS Reflection-Attack Variant

This is worrisome: DDoS vandals have long intensified their attacks by sending a small number of specially designed data packets to publicly available services. The services then unwittingly respond by sending a much larger number of unwanted packets to a target. The best known vectors for these DDoS amplification attacks are poorly secured domain name system resolution servers, which magnify… Continue reading New DDoS Reflection-Attack Variant

Acoustical Attacks against Hard Drives

Interesting destructive attack: "Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on HDDs": Abstract: Among storage components, hard disk drives (HDDs) have become the most commonly-used type of non-volatile storage due to their recent technological advances, including, enhanced energy efficacy and significantly-improved areal density. Such advances in HDDs have made them an inevitable part of numerous computing systems, including, personal computers, closed-circuit television… Continue reading Acoustical Attacks against Hard Drives

Reaper Botnet

It’s based on the Mirai code, but much more virulent: While Mirai caused widespread outages, it impacted IP cameras and internet routers by simply exploiting their weak or default passwords. The latest botnet threat, known as alternately as IoT Troop or Reaper, has evolved that strategy, using actual software-hacking techniques to break into devices instead. It’s the difference between checking… Continue reading Reaper Botnet