Microsoft Hits Back at Delta After the Airline Said Last Month’s Tech Outage Cost It $500 Million

Microsoft is trying to determine “why other airlines were able to fully restore business operations so much faster than Delta.”
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CrowdStrike and Delta Fight Over Who’s to Blame for the Airline Canceling Thousands of Flights

CrowdStrike and Delta are fighting over who is to blame for the airline canceling thousands of flights following the massive outage.
The post CrowdStrike and Delta Fight Over Who’s to Blame for the Airline Canceling Thousands of Flights appeared… Continue reading CrowdStrike and Delta Fight Over Who’s to Blame for the Airline Canceling Thousands of Flights

Most Airlines Except One Are Recovering From the CrowdStrike Tech Outage. The Feds Have Noticed

Delta has canceled more than 5,500 flights since the outage started early Friday morning.
The post Most Airlines Except One Are Recovering From the CrowdStrike Tech Outage. The Feds Have Noticed appeared first on SecurityWeek.
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Delta unveils energy-efficient solutions for 5G and IoT edge, e-mobility, and smart manufacturing

Delta launched an innovative digital exhibition under the theme ‘Pioneering Energy-efficient Infrastructure Technologies’ to unveil new smart and energy-efficient solutions for 5G and IoT edge computing, e-mobility, as well as smart manufac… Continue reading Delta unveils energy-efficient solutions for 5G and IoT edge, e-mobility, and smart manufacturing

Robot Arms Nudge the Hands of Time in the Strangest Clock

We see a lot of clocks here at Hackaday. Digital clocks, retro clocks, lots of Nixie clocks, binary clocks, and clocks that appear to be designed specifically to be unreadable. But this dual-servo kinematic clock is something we haven’t seen yet, and it’s certainly worth a mention.

[mircemk]’s idea is …read more

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Delta Robot Is Sorting Golf Balls And Taking Names

It’s a common situation faced by every hard-working American – you get home after a long day at the calcium mines, and find yourself stuck with a pile of colored golf balls that simply aren’t going to sort themselves. Finally, you can put away your sorting funnels and ball-handling gloves – [Anthony] has the solution.

That’s right – it’s a delta robot, tasked with the job of sorting golf balls by color. A Pixy2 object tracking camera is used to survey the table, with the delta arms twitching around to allow the camera to get an unobstructed view. Once the …read more

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Dainty Delta Is About As Small As A Robot Can Be

There’s something mesmerizing about delta robots. Whether they are used at a stately pace for a 3D-printer or going so fast you can barely see them move in a pick and place machine, the way that three rotary actuators can work together to produce motion in three axes is always a treat to watch. Especially with a delta robot as small as this one.

[KarelK16] says this is one of those “just because I can” projects with no real application. And he appears to have been working on it for a while; the video below is from eight years ago. …read more

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