Andrew Ng to talk about how AI will transform business at TC Sessions: Enterprise

When it comes to applying AI to the world around us, Andrew Ng has few if any peers. We are delighted to announce that the renowned founder, investor, AI expert and Stanford professor will join us on stage at the TechCrunch Sessions: Enterprise show on Sept. 5 at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco.  […] Continue reading Andrew Ng to talk about how AI will transform business at TC Sessions: Enterprise

Blisteringly Fast Machine Learning On An Arduino Uno

Even though machine learning AKA ‘deep learning’ / ‘artificial intelligence’ has been around for several decades now, it’s only recently that computing power has become fast enough to do anything useful with the science.

However, to fully understand how a neural network (NN) works, [Dimitris Tassopoulos] has stripped the concept …read more

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Smart pedestrian crossing system forgoes buttons for cameras

Starting at the end of next year, some of Vienna’s walk-light push-buttons will be disappearing from the city’s pedestrian crossings. Instead, a new system will be trialled, that uses cameras and computers to visually detect when people wish … Continue reading Smart pedestrian crossing system forgoes buttons for cameras

Samsung AI brings the Mona Lisa (or any other picture) to life

Using the latest trend in artificial intelligence – adversarial learning – Samsung’s AI Center in Moscow has demonstrated that it can take a single image of a person and turn it into a talking head. And if watching the Mona Lisa come to life … Continue reading Samsung AI brings the Mona Lisa (or any other picture) to life

Nvidia Teaching Robots To Master IKEA Kitchens

The current wave of excitement around machine learning kicked off when graphics processors were repurposed to make training deep neural networks practical. Nvidia found themselves the engine of a new revolution and seized their opportunity to help push frontiers of research. Their research lab in Seattle will focus on one …read more

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The cloak of invisibility against image recognition

Adversarial attacks are not something new to the world of Deep Networks used for image recognition. However, as the research with Deep Learning grows, more flaws are uncovered. The team at the University of KU Leuven in Belgium have demonstrated how, by simple using a colored photo held near the …read more

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Scientists Create Speech From Brain Signals

One of the things that makes us human is our ability to communicate. However, a stroke or other medical impairment can take that ability away without warning. Although Stephen Hawking managed to do great things with a computer-aided voice, it took a lot of patience and technology to get there. …read more

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