Stepping up your Python Printf Debugging Game

Debuggers come in all shapes and sizes, offering a variety of options to track down your software problems and inspecting internal states at any given time. Yet some developers have a hard time breaking the habit of simply adding print statements into their code instead, performing manual work their tools could do for them. We say, to each their own — the best tools won’t be of much help if they are out of your comfort zone or work against your natural flow. Sometimes, a retrospective analysis using your custom-tailored debug output is just what you need to tackle an …read more

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Trick needed to make use of a local buffer overflow vulnerability to obtain root

I am working on a certain CTF trying to gain root privileges in it, I found a vulnerable program to buffer overflow vulnerability with Non executable stack security level (NX), I developed an exploit to first bypass NX and th… Continue reading Trick needed to make use of a local buffer overflow vulnerability to obtain root

return to libc- finding libc’s address and finding offsets

So I tried performing a return-to-libc according to .

I found libc’s address by using “ldd vuln”, and found system’s offset by using “readelf -s /lib/i386-l… Continue reading return to libc- finding libc’s address and finding offsets

Crashed my phone – Think I might of found an bug, how do I try to exploit it?

My phone has been extremely laggy so I caused it to crash. I have the android dump of the crash and want to see if I can turn it into a possible exploit but I don’t know where to start. Below I pasted the log and I took ou… Continue reading Crashed my phone – Think I might of found an bug, how do I try to exploit it?