Even A Single Computer Can Take Down Big Servers Using BlackNurse Attack

Yes, you only need a single laptop with a decent internet connection, rather a massive botnet, to launch overwhelming denial of service (DoS) attacks in order to bring down major Internet servers and modern-day firewalls.

Researchers at TDC Security O… Continue reading Even A Single Computer Can Take Down Big Servers Using BlackNurse Attack

Mirai Botnet Itself is Flawed; Hacking Back IoTs Could Mitigate DDoS Attacks

The infamous botnet that was used in the recent massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against the popular DNS provider Dyn, causing vast internet outage last Friday, itself is flawed.

Yes, Mirai malware, which has already enslaved millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices across 164 countries, contains several vulnerabilities that might be used against it in order to destroy

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IoT Botnet — 25,000 CCTV Cameras Hacked to launch DDoS Attack

The Internet of Things (IoTs) or Internet-connected devices are growing at an exponential rate and so are threats to them.

Due to the insecure implementation, these Internet-connected embedded devices, including Smart TVs, Refrigerators, Microwaves, S… Continue reading IoT Botnet — 25,000 CCTV Cameras Hacked to launch DDoS Attack

DDoS Extortionists made $100,000 without Launching a Single Attack

In Brief
Cyber crooks find a new and ingenious way to make hundreds of thousands of dollars with no effort.

An unknown cyber gang, pretending to be Armada Collective, has made more than $100,000 in less than two months simply by threatening to launch … Continue reading DDoS Extortionists made $100,000 without Launching a Single Attack

Anti-DDoS Firm Staminus HACKED! Customers Data Leaked

Staminus Communications – a California-based hosting and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) protection company – is recovering a massive data breach after hackers broke down into its servers and leaked personal and sensitive details of its customers.

Though the company acknowledged that there was a problem in a message posted to Twitter on Thursday morning, it did not specify a data

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