DeepMasterPrints: ‘master key’ fingerprints made by a neural network can now fake fingerprints

New York University researchers have found a way to generate artificial fingerprints that can be used to create fake fingerprints. They do this by using a neural network. They have presented their work in a paper titled DeepMasterPrints: Generating Mas… Continue reading DeepMasterPrints: ‘master key’ fingerprints made by a neural network can now fake fingerprints

What is Facebook hiding? New York Times reveals Facebook’s insidious crisis management strategy

Today has been Facebook’s worst day in its history. As if the plummeting stocks that closed on  Wednesday at just $144.22.were not enough, Facebook is now facing backlash on its leadership morales. Yesterday, the New York Times published a s… Continue reading What is Facebook hiding? New York Times reveals Facebook’s insidious crisis management strategy