U.S. Indicts 2 Top Russian Hackers, Sanctions Cryptex

The United States today unveiled sanctions and indictments against the alleged proprietor of Joker’s Stash, a now-defunct cybercrime store that peddled tens of millions of payment cards stolen in some of the largest data breaches of the past decade. The government also indicted a top Russian cybercriminal known as Taleon, whose cryptocurrency exchange Cryptex has evolved into one of Russia’s most active money laundering networks. Continue reading U.S. Indicts 2 Top Russian Hackers, Sanctions Cryptex

Low-Drama ‘Dark Angels’ Reap Record Ransoms

A ransomware group called Dark Angels made headlines this past week when it was revealed the crime group recently received a record $75 million data ransom payment from a Fortune 50 company. Security experts say the Dark Angels have been around since 2021, but the group doesn’t get much press because they work alone and maintain a low profile, picking one target at a time and favoring mass data theft over disrupting the victim’s operations. Continue reading Low-Drama ‘Dark Angels’ Reap Record Ransoms

$75 million record-breaking ransom paid to cybercriminals, say researchers

The staggering sum of US $75 million has reportedly been paid to a ransomware gang in what is believed to be the largest known ransom payment made by a cyber attack victim since records began.

Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog. Continue reading $75 million record-breaking ransom paid to cybercriminals, say researchers