Alleged Peoples Republic of China Hack Targets 27 Universities, US & Canadian Maritime Military Secrets Ostensibly The Loot

Shannon Liao, writing for The Verge, has posted an interesting piece detailing an alleged Peoples Repbublic of China operation targeting United States Department of Defense data relevant to research at those universities (reportedly, the Massachusetts… Continue reading Alleged Peoples Republic of China Hack Targets 27 Universities, US & Canadian Maritime Military Secrets Ostensibly The Loot

Gen. Nakasone on US Cyber Command

Really interesting article by and interview with Paul M. Nakasone (Commander of US Cyber Command, Director of the National Security Agency, and Chief of the Central Security Service) in the current issue of Joint Forces Quarterly. He talks about the evolving role of US Cyber Command, and its new posture of "persistent engagement" using a "cyber-persistant force." From the article:… Continue reading Gen. Nakasone on US Cyber Command

Estonia’s Volunteer Cyber Militia

Interesting — although short and not very detailed — article about Estonia’s volunteer cyber-defense militia. Padar’s militia of amateur IT workers, economists, lawyers, and other white-hat types are grouped in the city of Tartu, about 65 miles from the Russian border, and in the capital, Tallinn, about twice as far from it. The volunteers, who’ve inspired a handful of similar… Continue reading Estonia’s Volunteer Cyber Militia

Cyberinsurance and Acts of War

I had not heard about this case before. Zurich Insurance has refused to pay Mondelez International’s claim of $100 million in damages from NotPetya. It claims it is an act of war and therefor not covered. Mondelez is suing. Those turning to cyber insurance to manage their exposure presently face significant uncertainties about its promise. First, the scope of cyber… Continue reading Cyberinsurance and Acts of War

Cybersecurity and Insurance

Insurance is a funny business. Life insurance, for example, is essentially betting someone you will die before your time. With the recent focus on companies getting hacked, it isn’t surprising that cybersecurity insurance is now big business. Get hacked and get paid. Maybe.

The reason I say maybe is because of the recent court battle between Zurich and Mondelez. Never heard of them? Zurich is a big insurance company and Mondelez owns brands like Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident chewing gum, among others.

It all started with the NotPetya ransomware attack in June of 2017. Mondelez is claiming it lost over …read more

Continue reading Cybersecurity and Insurance

Reddy Kilowatt Says, ‘Good Luck With That’

Image Credit: Courtesy of Busy Beaver Button Club –
via Lily Hay Newman, plying the scrvener trade for Condé Nast Inc. publication Wired, comes this superlative reportage, detailing the so-called ‘Hail Mary Plan to R… Continue reading Reddy Kilowatt Says, ‘Good Luck With That’

Elite North Koreans aren’t opposed to exploiting internet for financial gain

By David Balaban
According to a report from Recorded Future, it seems the ruling elite in North Korea are now using the Internet more and more to take advantage of money-making opportunities and avoid various economic sanctions. Not only is the Kim reg… Continue reading Elite North Koreans aren’t opposed to exploiting internet for financial gain

José de Arimatéia da Cruz and Travis Howard’s ‘The Feet of the Masters: Lessons on Irregular Cyber Warfare’

Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz, PhD and Lieutenant Commander Travis Howard’s singularly definitive scrutiny of irregular cyberwar I have yet read is today’s Must Read. If you read anything else today targeting Cyberwar, you should read it. No… Continue reading José de Arimatéia da Cruz and Travis Howard’s ‘The Feet of the Masters: Lessons on Irregular Cyber Warfare’