Fact vs. Fiction: Film Industry’s Portrayal of Cybersecurity

Article by Beau Peters
The movie industry is infamous for its loose depictions of hacking and cybersecurity. Hollywood often gets a lot wrong about hacking and digital protections, but what does it get right?
The power of film in influencing the futur… Continue reading Fact vs. Fiction: Film Industry’s Portrayal of Cybersecurity

Ranking National Cyber Power

Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center published the “National Cyber Power Index 2020: Methodology and Analytical Considerations.” The rankings: 1. US, 2. China, 3. UK, 4. Russia, 5. Netherlands, 6. France, 7. Germany, 8. Canada, 9. Japan, 10. Australia, 11. Israel. More countries are in the document.

We could — and should — argue about the criteria and the methodology, but it’s good that someone is starting this conversation.

Executive Summary: The Belfer National Cyber Power Index (NCPI) measures 30 countries’ cyber capabilities in the context of seven national objectives, using 32 intent indicators and 27 capability indicators with evidence collected from publicly available data…

Continue reading Ranking National Cyber Power

New US Electronic Warfare Platform

The Army is developing a new electronic warfare pod capable of being put on drones and on trucks. …the Silent Crow pod is now the leading contender for the flying flagship of the Army’s rebuilt electronic warfare force. Army EW was largely disbanded after the Cold War, except for short-range jammers to shut down remote-controlled roadside bombs. Now it’s being… Continue reading New US Electronic Warfare Platform

The Burisma Hack … Cyberwar or Not?

Just to complicate things further, we learned from a New York Times article that Russian military cyber-forces hacked into Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, apparently in an attempt to find incriminating evidence against prior Board member, Hunter Biden,… Continue reading The Burisma Hack … Cyberwar or Not?

Companies Hit By Iranian Cyberattacks May Not Have Insurance Coverage

Surprise! Your cyber-risk insurance may not cover losses resulting from cyberwar. Here are some tips to help ensure you’re getting your money’s worth. With the prospect of a cyberwar with the Islamic Republic of Iran somewhat looming, ther… Continue reading Companies Hit By Iranian Cyberattacks May Not Have Insurance Coverage

How To Counter Russian Interference? Apparently, Informing The Enemy In Advance Is Now A Thing…

‘Telegraphing’ once’s intent, typically cedes the notion and therefore the advantage of any particular element of surprise to the target of the intent… That state of ‘affairs’ is not considered an optimal warfighting solution.

““When the Russ… Continue reading How To Counter Russian Interference? Apparently, Informing The Enemy In Advance Is Now A Thing…

For Caught in the Crossfire of Cyberwarfare

Authored by Dr Sandra Bell, Head of Resilience Consulting EMEA, Sungard Availability Services 
PDF edition of this article

The 2019 National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) Annual Review does not shy away from naming the four key protagonist… Continue reading For Caught in the Crossfire of Cyberwarfare

Robert M. Lee’s & Jeff Hass’ Little Bobby Comics, ‘Power Grid’

via the respected information security capabilities of Robert M. Lee & the superlative illustration talents of Jeff Hass at Little Bobby Comics.
The post Robert M. Lee’s & Jeff Hass’ Little Bobby Comics, ‘Power Grid… Continue reading Robert M. Lee’s & Jeff Hass’ Little Bobby Comics, ‘Power Grid’