Is Zoom the Next Huawei? ‘Puppet of Chinese,’ Say Critics

Zoom has been closing accounts of U.S. residents who are critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
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Want To Protect Privacy? Get Off Social Media, Indiana Federal Court Says

Privacy issues surrounding social media abound, including what’s considered ‘content’ privacy and ‘non-content’ privacy When the government wants to get data about you from someone other than you (a third party), does it … Continue reading Want To Protect Privacy? Get Off Social Media, Indiana Federal Court Says

Marc Tobias On Apple Inc.’s Siri Promises

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via Marc Weber Tobias, writing at Forbes, comes this superlative piece detailing consent inconsistency and other fundamental legal problems with Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) Siri personal assistant. Todays Must… Continue reading Marc Tobias On Apple Inc.’s Siri Promises

Preparing for the First CLOUD Act Bilateral Data Access Agreement

The British Are Coming . . . and They’re Bringing Their Own Legal Process Starting on July 8, 2020, for the first time, U.S. companies will be receiving binding legal process directly from the UK government. This change comes over two years afte… Continue reading Preparing for the First CLOUD Act Bilateral Data Access Agreement

UK Ministry of Defence Launches Its First Specialized Cyber Regiment

Recent spikes in cyber-attacks have provoked heated reaction from governments around the world. Nation-state hackers are targeting medical facilities, government agencies and critical infrastructure in their attempts to disrupt business operation, gain… Continue reading UK Ministry of Defence Launches Its First Specialized Cyber Regiment

Data Breach Litigation Waivers: Be Careful What You Wish For

Companies with data breach litigation waivers may find those waivers used against them by savvy law firms In her 1969 book, “On Death and Dying,” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described the five stages of grief and loss: Denial and isolation Anger… Continue reading Data Breach Litigation Waivers: Be Careful What You Wish For

FBI Officials Arrest Another Alleged FIN7 Gang Member

According to newly released court documents, Ukrainian national Denys Iarmak has been arrested for alleged involvement in the malicious cyber campaigns run by the infamous hacking group FIN7. Among others, Iarmak has been charged with conspiracy to com… Continue reading FBI Officials Arrest Another Alleged FIN7 Gang Member

DoJ Continues to Target China’s Thousand Talents Program in U.S.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) continues to use every arrow in its prosecutorial quiver to go after those participants who are exposing and sharing U.S. research and technologies to China via the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Th… Continue reading DoJ Continues to Target China’s Thousand Talents Program in U.S.

Is eBay Port Scanning Your PC? (Probably)

Using eBay causes your Windows PC’s ports to be scanned—personal data gets silently sent back to the mothership.
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Texas Court Backs Phishing Attack Insurance Claim

Are insurance companies bound to pay claims for phishing attacks resulting in third-party losses? RealPage, a Texas-based company, operated a rent-servicing portal whereby renters could pay their rent and landlords could get paid (minus, of course, a … Continue reading Texas Court Backs Phishing Attack Insurance Claim