Why This New Cybergang is Heralding a New Age For BEC

Cybergang Silent Starling is taking BEC to the next level by targeting suppliers and going after their customers. Continue reading Why This New Cybergang is Heralding a New Age For BEC

Moving to the Cloud and How You Shift Your Security Management Strategy

As someone who has worked for their entire career in the Managed Network Services space, if I had to pick out, over the past five years, two of the most impactful shifts in managing technology, it would be a shift from traditional, in-house servers to … Continue reading Moving to the Cloud and How You Shift Your Security Management Strategy

When Is a Data Breach a Data Breach?

A data breach remains a common headline in the news cycle. A different company, website or social network reports a security issue almost daily. If it feels like using the internet has become a risky endeavor, the feeling is accurate. But what exactly … Continue reading When Is a Data Breach a Data Breach?

Dunkin’ Donuts Loyalty Points Accounts Are Dirt Cheap on the Dark Web

This week Dunkin’ Donuts announced hackers had broken into customers’ loyalty accounts. So what happens to them once hackers have a wad of loyalty points? Continue reading Dunkin’ Donuts Loyalty Points Accounts Are Dirt Cheap on the Dark Web